Sometimes, in the midst of living; you tend to lose yourself along the way and having said that, it's the only thing I could say about myself. I'm not sure what it was but I did. I had lost pieces of myself while fighting, caring and growing up. I miss writing, be it poems or stories and I really miss creating art the most.
These are my tickets to escape, my secret garden to hide out.
When I stopped doing it, I felt as if I'm a ticking bomb. The past couple of weeks had been me suffocating only because I didn't know I was repressing so many emotions inside.
Today, I found the urge to write. No, actually I started writing a month ago..continuing a story I've abandoned. Slowly, eventually.. I'll get there. Just like everything else.
It's been a challenging year so far. What is only about 2.5 months since we started 2012 to others, it felt like I've been in it for 11 months. I've discovered so many things about myself. Forcing me to grow up a little bit more, if not be more responsible. And I won't lie, it has been quite a challenge. Mentally and physically.
So one day, last month, the day I've been waiting for had arrived. There's this gem in Hulu Langat, Selangor I went for a recce with a colleague prior to #TSDayOut called
Uluhati. This little haven made me feel like I was revisiting a place in my mind that has not been attended for many years. It's like a ranch. A beautiful one.
So yes, finally got to share this place with others (thanks to Farhah who's been telling me about it months before) and I was really excited about it. We stayed over at the longhouse in Uluhati with the rest of the crew, Syidi came along too. In that brief moment, it felt as if we were on our way to "balik kampung". Despite the fact that Syidi and I only just got to personally know each other last year, it felt like we were all going back for Raya.
While Uluhati is only 40 minutes away from the city, I think it was my perfect getaway from everything. Honestly, it did felt like I was on a paid holiday. The bbq served by En. Shaipuddin and his wife were just beyond words. There were grilled lamb (which En. Hafeez happily gorged down a few), tilapia, mushroom soup, garlic bread, chicken, fries...oh it was endless.
We weren't ready for a feast but there it was, a celebration under the stars with laughter.
I couldn't have painted a better picture of that night. There were no mosquitoes too. So that's a definite plus. After a couple more plates of dinner (that turned into supper)..we played Chinese Poker and Bluff at the veranda as the wind whisper in our ears until 2AM. Retiring our bodies and minds on the comfy beds.
The next morning, we woke up to a cool breeze. So cool, I had the fleece blanket wrapped around me like a burrito. Just like waking up in the kampung, listening to feet stomping, alarm ringing and roosters crowing. The only thing that came to mind was "not to bathe in the cold natural water from the hills". I'm a
chicken cat like that.
Once again, ever lovely Riznida Eliza (En. Shai's wife) made us Nasi Lemak and some toast bread. Oh it was good to be back with Mother Nature, even if it was just for a while. While waiting for the other #TSDayOut participants to arrive from Bangsar at the river; we got to see the sun rise overlooking the Titiwangsa Mountains.
Rasyidi beautifully captured the morning sun at Uluhati |
Did I mentioned that there are goats, deers, chickens, turkeys, dogs and cats roaming freely around this 2.8acre land? There are horses and ponies too! More about that later.. for now, we have to be at Langat River for bamboo rafting.
It's an adventure day, a great outing to get everyone out from the comfort zone and explore together. Each raft had one raft guide from the local Temuan tribe. Technically, we're in good hands because these people can survive in any parts of the world.
Little did I know I was up for a bit more adventure than anyone thought. And was very much unprepared for it too.
There were 20 rafts, 2 passengers plus one guide on each raft..going on a cruise along the river which took about 2 hours. If there was anything you should try in Selangor, and not wanting it to be too hardcore.. it would be this activity.
Half way through the journey, looking at the houses, little kids watching us city people doing what they do on daily basis..I realised our guide was slightly inexperience. But that's not going to stop me from having fun tho.
That's Salina, enjoying the breathtaking view |
The first incident happened when our raft (Salina and I were paired up together) were stuck in between huge rocks in the middle of a very rapid current. While the young guide was trying to repositioned the raft, it was easier if we got off the raft and helped as well. From one thing to another, he had some difficulty and the raft floated even further away. Torn to save us or the raft, we all thought it was best if he took care of the raft first. However, if we made any kind of small move, we are sure to fall head first and that's not good idea when I was holding my dslr.
Seeing as Salina was frozen in her spot, I had to do the one thing I never thought would come in handy in my life. I fell backwards and body surfed along the river knowing that I'll grab the raft when I arrived at the end. My only reason for doing it was to actually my camera first and I knew I can't stand any longer with the kind of rapid pushing us from behind. Salina took a leap of faith and did what I did.
What luck, Syidi & Aida were there to see how the incident unfold. |
Thankfully, we both were at Kuala Kubu Bharu last November for white water rafting and The Paddlerz suggested that we should do body surfing as part of the activity. This is when you allow yourself to float in the river face up.
Who knew such trivial activity had the potential to save lives?
Truth enough we arrived where our raft was at, except that my thigh had hit a massive rock underneath which resulted in muscle cramp due to the shallow river. Which made it worst because I couldn't support myself.
It may have looked like I was a klutz (and I am one) but this was just one of those where an accident just happened and all you can think about is saving your life (and the camera). I was pulled out from the river like a helpless body, walked a little bit on the river bank to sit on the raft. One of the guides told us that the river should be much more calm from here onwards.
Where the first incident took place before I body surfed. |
"Good. If it was anything like that again, I don't think I could save myself again because of the cramp."
The camera was fine, miraculously! And we continued on our journey admiring the view. I had mentioned to Salina that our guide was actually lucky to have us because of the experience we had prior. Had it happened to other people, we're not sure what it would have been.
I spoke too soon.
Our raft got caught in between two massive rocks and stronger current. This time, I knew I will have difficulty to move away from the situation. True enough, the guide had to literally pull me out of the water and pushed me up the raft. It's during this struggle that my camera took a dip in the river before I managed to lift it again.
I got on to the other raft, the one where Tok Batin Andak, the head of the tribe was on while Salina went solo with the young guide.
From then on, I resolute to enjoy my scenery with my eyes and not behind the lens.
Sounds a bit dramatic doesn't it? Oh well, things happened. All we can do is do our best to avoid getting hurt. And I don't regret going on this adventure even if it had put my camera into comatose.
It's what I needed. A moment to wake up to feel like I'm still alive.
The best part of the journey is still yet to come. When we arrived at the end point of the river, there was only the Mazda pick-up truck and all 6 of us sat at the back, going all cowboy right up to Uluhati. It felt almost like going on a roller coaster, what with the corners and steep hill we had to go through.
It was truly a fun time.
Minutes later, I saw everyone's enjoying the cozy long house and greenery. It was also the first time the rest were introduced to this place. And while waiting for our next activity which was the blow pipe demonstration, we were welcomed with the yummiest home cooked food. It was so good, I didn't even think of taking photos. (All photos after this are from the iPhone)
The long house with the picnic benches. Love. |
What I like about the food is that, it reminded me so much of Negeri Sembilan's food (where my dad came from) and I just love the fresh bite of the pucuk paku. If it was Pucuk Paku masak lemak cili api, I'd prolly grabbed the entire bowl ;)
About an hour after lunch, we were all listening to Tok Batin Andak explaining the entire process about blow pipe. We certainly enjoyed his brand of humour. The kind of accidents that had happened while were quite scary, he made it priceless.
Tok Batin Andak and his many funny tales |
While I don't remember my experience with blow pipes when I was in Kuching decades ago, it was a good thing I get to experience it here. Tho, Syidi did mentioned that this particular ones are heavier compared to the ones in Sabah and Sarawak.
Yours truly's target..was anywhere but the target point. Some are elephant hunter and one could be a rabbit hunter. It all depends how good you are at blow pipe.
My favourite part has to be when the participants were submitting their photos for the photography competition. That's when you'll get to see all sorts of shots from different eyes. Things you might've missed or taken for granted, this is when it'll open your eyes (and mind). We even get to select the winners under a tree with En. Din. It can't get anymore authentic than that.
I'll come back again. |
When everything was over, Aida and I hitched a ride with Syidi to Bangsar. Considering how hungry we were at that time, we joined Cal and Farhah for.. neither dinner nor lunch at G3 Kitchen Bistro.
The rest of the day was left dead.